Group Fitness Traffic Light System

What is this? This is a monitoring and communication tool for our group fitness classes. It will be used to monitor our program usage and to facilitate group fitness program changes when necessary

Why? This tool will help us to ensure that we are providing fitness classes that meet our member’s needs.

How does it work?

The traffic light system will be displayed in both the dance and aerobics rooms.

Traffic light signals:

Green- A green traffic light indicates that the group exercise class is currently maintaining more than eight participants and is a class that we will continue to offer until the next evaluation period.

Yellow- A yellow light indicates that the class has fallen below the minimum number of eight participants.  These classes will continue to be offered for the next 4 weeks in hopes that the participation decline is temporary.   We hope that the users of classes in this category will recruit their friends to join the class, moving it back into the green category.

Red- A red light indicates that the class was listed in the yellow category the previous month and despite the JCC and members best efforts to increase participation, the class has been unable to maintain minimum enrollment. Thus, the class will be cancelled. 

We always want to offer our members the best group fitness experience possible.  With this goal in mind, we review our group fitness offerings every 4 weeks to ensure that we are meeting our members needs.  We don’t take cancellation decisions lightly and strive to provide group fitness classes that are innovative, fun and results oriented.